
Questions and Answers on the Use of Trays in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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Questions and Answers on the Use of Trays in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Release date:2016-08-04 source: click:

The pharmaceutical industry is a plastic tray with a wide range of industries, its market share of 30%, then the choice of plastic pallets of medical users should pay attention to what the problem?

First of all, if the medicine is the use of library library turnover, the cost alone from the purchase, you can choose the field word plastic tray, this tray structure, suitable for use in the ground warehouse turnover is a cost-effective tray.

Second, if the tray is used on the shelf, you can choose the Sichuan grid plastic trays built-in steel pipe, change the product structure and vertical shelves, and built-in steel pipe to meet the needs of the shelves, very good.

Finally, if the use of three-dimensional library in medicine, then try to select the plate with the steel pipe and non-slip products, because the three-dimensional library operations, we must first meet the security operations, so the plate tray to meet the above requirements, can be described as medical trays Superior product.

Pallet, we all have seen, pallet shelves we are also very easy to understand, simply put the goods on the shelf similar to the tray, so it is also a wide range of applications. So let's see how the pallet racks are used.

Q: How does pallet rack work?

A: Pallet rack to store unitized pallet cargo, together with roadway stacker and other storage and transportation machinery to operate.

Q: What is the structure of the pallet rack?

A: The use of high-level multi-shelf structure of the overall structure is generally welded by the steel plate shelf (with tray), through the horizontal and vertical bars and beams and other components together. The lateral clearance of goods in the original location of the parking space to consider the accuracy of the stacking machine parking accuracy, stacking machine and shelf installation accuracy, etc .; cargo support width must be greater than the side gap, so that the goods side in the unsupported state.

Q: We know that the pallet is a separate, then the tray shelf is the case?

A: The use of free combination, easy to disassemble and move, push the height of the item can be arbitrarily adjusted beam position, can be called adjustable pallet rack.

Q: Finally, we would like to know which areas it is mainly used?

A: Pallet rack is widely used in manufacturing, third-party logistics and distribution centers and other fields, both for a variety of small quantities of goods, but also for small quantities of goods. Pallet-type shelves in the high warehouse and ultra-high warehouse in the application of the most, into the tray-type tray and gravity tray pallet. Kunshan wooden pallets

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